Coloring Pages

3rd Grade Perimeter Mystery Pictures Coloring Worksheets

Use these no-prep mystery pictures to teach perimeter to your 3rd grade kids. These are coloring worksheets on finding the perimeter of polygons, including finding the length of an unknown side length.

How to Use

To use, just print and distribute the questionnaires. Your students are to complete the questionnaire, and then color the squares based on their answers, to discover the mystery pictures.

You may also choose to give the coloring sheets at a later time to use it as motivation for them to answer the questions. (ex. distribute after a certain a time limit, or give it to early finishers, or as homework).

What You'll Get

You will receive and download printable perimeter worksheets. The product is divided into sets, with each set having a questionnaire, a coloring page, and an answer key.

The sets included in this packet are:

Sets 1 and 2: Find the perimeter of the polygons
Sets 3 and 4: Find the unknown side length
Set 5: Floor Layout. Find the perimeter of the rooms
Set 6: Perimeter word problems

If your kids answered the problems correctly and colored the squares right, they should be able to uncover these mystery pictures:

  1. Ballet Dancer / Ballerina
  2. Baseball Player
  3. Boy Waving Hands
  4. Boy on a Bicycle
  5. Pirate
  6. Girl Superhero

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