Coloring Pages

3rd Grade Fractions of a Whole Mystery Pictures Coloring Worksheets

These are mystery picture coloring worksheets for 3rd graders to help them understand fractions as a part of a whole (fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by one part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts).

How To Use

This is a no-prep packet. Just print and you're all set. 

To use, let your kids work on the problems first. Then, they can work on the coloring page using their answers in order for them to uncover the mystery pictures. 

What You'll Get

You will receive the printable worksheets. They are grouped into sets. Each set has a questionnaire, coloring page, and an answer key.

The sets included in this packet are:

Sets 1 and 2: Fraction of Whole: Identify the fraction of the shaded part
Sets 3 and 4: Choose the Image that represents the fraction
Sets 5 and 6: Match the column: Fraction vs Image/Figures

If your kids answered the problems correctly, they will uncover these mystery pictures. 

  1. Chick
  2. Firefly
  3. Grasshopper
  4. Tiger
  5. Turtle
  6. Giraffe

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